
It’s happening. The Birthday Eve Bug has bit me again. It never matters whose big day it is–with my husband, myself, and all three of our kiddos, you’d think I would be better prepared for it (seeing as it never fails to appear).

I’m feeling all the feelings, you guys. Joyful, reminiscent, happy, weepy, hopeful, tearful, excited, and a little bit mad…maybe just sad-mad. That basically sums up my emotional journey today. You see, I just tucked my two year old twins into bed for the last time. In t-minus 33 minutes, my babyish 2’s become big kiddish 3’s. I don’t know how this happened because I literally JUST saw an ultrasound with two tiny beating hearts like one second ago.

G & J,

On the eve of your birthday, as we talk about celebrating and you share your dreams to “eat cake, eat candy, and sleep in big sissy’s bed,” I have a few things I just have to tell you.

#1. This is probably one of the last times you’re going to lay eyes on those pacifiers in your mouths. Don’t get me wrong, if it were up to me I’d let you keep those puppies for life. They’re so sanitary and are totally doing your teeth a favor in the alignment realm. But that dang paci fairy has other plans. She’s so mean.

#2. We really need to quit diapers now. Like cold turkey style. The big potty is where it’s at, kids.

#3. No matter how often I complain about  my “mom brain” or  my “mom hair” or my “mom under-eye bags from the countless times a certain somebody climbed out of his bed a trillion times before 5 am”–please believe me when I say that being your mom is SO worth it.

#4. I am loving getting to watch you grow. I know I beg you like a mad woman to stay tiny, but the truth is, you’re actually getting more and more fun (even though some days seem more and more exhausting!) I can’t wait to watch this next year unfold before you.

#5. No matter how big and grownup-y you get, no matter how many ridiculously dumb mistakes you make, and no matter how often you’re convinced that I’m the wrongest person in the world–I will never, ever, ever (times infinity) stop loving you. Because three years ago at 2:42 am and 2:47 am, I caught my first glimpses of you and fell…hook, line, and sinker.

So goodnight to you, sweet babes. Sleep well, for when you wake, you’ll be a year older. This mama of your’s will be out of this birthday eve funk and ready to party!

Eat cake.

Eat candy.

Sleep in big sissy’s bed (or wherever the heck you want, just s-l-e-e-p).


So much love,




  1. Jenilee · February 12, 2016

    This is just the best. Love it Kylie and love you!! 😉 keep blogging- you are great!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Joyce · February 12, 2016

    I love this Kylie

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kambra · February 12, 2016

    Sister, when did you start a blog? Your so cute!! I would read anything you have to say 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. amiesnider · February 12, 2016

    You are such a beautiful strong passionate loving momma and you inspire with your humor and joy paired with CRAZY unconditional love. We truly can take notes because you live and love like Jesus. To be friends with you is to know and see Jesus with skin on… Your babies are so blessed to call you mom, God gave them the biggest blessing of their life when He gave them you and Brent for a mommy and daddy. Love you friend so dearly

    Liked by 1 person

  5. littlebluechairblog · February 16, 2016

    Amy, you might be the most encouraging person. Ever. Thank you for spoiling me with your kind words. Sure do love you!


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